Twenty-hour drive to break the digital divide
As human beings we have the responsibility to leave our impact on the world

As an employee of Prosegur for 8 years, I have witnessed how our company works to support the progress of the communities where we are present. With the arrival of the pandemic I had the opportunity to see how virtuality further isolated people from less advantaged backgrounds, so, from my role in microcomputing, I wanted to contribute to alleviate this situation. With this idea in mind, I set out to recondition and manage -together with other areas of the company- the donation of computers that were being retired in the company to vulnerable schools.
Because what better way to contribute to creating a more inclusive and less unequal society than by supporting the education of tomorrow's citizens?
Sharing this idea with my family, we came to the conclusion that "as human beings we have the responsibility to leave our impact on the world, because life consists of experiences and what better way to base them on love, kindness and service; especially in the hands of our children".
I am very happy to have shared this experience with my daughters and wife. The kilometres travelled through the mountains of the Colombian Andes to reach the schools and deliver the computer equipment have been gratifying, because when we arrive in these remote villages, the children, teachers and their families receive us with the best of smiles and their faces light up when they see how we are there from so far away to lend them a hand.
Undoubtedly, this has been a great motivation to be a Prosegur Volunteer and to support from my field so that the next generations have more opportunities and the possibility of dreaming of a better future, where they are the protagonists.