Schools in Peru
The 5 Peruvian schools currently participating in the programme are located in Lima, Puno, Piura, Cajamarca and Arequipa. In addition to the comprehensive and transversal intervention in phases, each centre has focused on areas of training improvement adapted to its reality. This is the case for sport, the promotion of reading and entrepreneurship.

Incorporated into the programme in 2016, this centre has implemented for several years the "Awaken, Create and Transform" entrepreneurship programme of the Créate Foundation, in which students make innovative proposals to solve problems in their environment linked to the Environment and Technology. Due to the reflected impact on children's learning, teachers continue to deepen this methodology that triggers their creativity and critical thinking. In addition, the implementation of the school garden and the sports sessions in partnership with the Peruvian Institute of Sport have contributed to a better physical development of the pupils.
Thanks to the leadership of the teachers and their interest in improving the skills of their pupils, since its incorporation in 2017, activities linked to the promotion of reading, adapted to each age group, have been carried out. This initiative helped the school to be awarded by the Unidad Educativa de Gestión Local San Román, for the best result in rural learning achievements in the whole province. In addition, thanks to the partnership with the Peruvian Institute of Sport, the school won first place in the sports championship organised by the UGEL San Román in 2018, highlighting not only the students' skills, but also their teamwork abilities.

It joined Piecitos in 2017 and from the beginning, it focuses on strengthening the communication skills of its students, impacting on their confidence and self-esteem. Thus, thanks to the partnership with Empieza por Educar and Enseña Perú, initiatives such as literary gatherings, discussion spaces and reading comprehension workshops have been set up, which have significantly improved the children's communication skills. Proof of this is that the school has been recognised by local education authorities for the progress made by secondary school pupils in their oral expression. It also has students on scholarship for their sporting abilities, in judo and football.

Due to its recent incorporation into the Development Cooperation programme, in addition to the refurbishment of the classrooms, the Art Initiation Course has been given. With the support of Prosegur volunteers, trained as teachers to carry out this initiative, it has been possible to awaken the creativity of the students and bring them closer to learning about their history and cultural heritage.
As part of the programme in 2019, work has been carried out on the secondary level classrooms and the maintenance of toilets, as well as providing furniture for the primary level. The Art Initiation Course has already been launched, in partnership with the Prado Museum, allowing children to take a spatio-temporal journey through the works of different artists.