We signed an agreement with ANEP Uruguay to move forward with our

Seeking to be a transforming agent and to promote actions that enhance the development of schoolchildren in Uruguay, we have signed a collaboration agreement with the National Public Education Administration (ANEP) to continue implementing our Development Cooperation programme "Piecitos Colorados" (Little red feet).

An agreement that consolidates our action and gives it projection, in its objective to reduce the gaps and offer new tools and methodologies for the education of the students of our schools attached to the programme: the rural school N°7 "San Francisco", in the department of Paysandú; the rural school N°87 "Capón de la Yerba" in Tacuarembó; the rural school N°88 "Alfred Nobel" in Canelones and the school N°12 "Feliciano Viera", in the department of Salto.

Both entities are committed to educational transformation as a driving force for the future.